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Business Owner Policies

A Business Owners Policy (or BOP) is a specialty commercial insurance product for small to medium sized businesses. These policies give you liability and property coverage, as well as specific coverage for you specific business. Ask one of our agents about getting a business owners policy with our commercial insurance carriers. We work with dozens of companies to find you the best policy to protect your business at the best rate.

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Business Owner Policies

The clear advantage

CLEAR Insurance provides a single point of contact for clear, understandable and unbiased recommendations for all your insurance needs. Whether in the area of commercial coverages for a business or in personal coverage, the CLEAR Insurance team is here to help you protect what matters most.

What is a business owner policy?

A business owners policy (BOP) combines business liability, commercial property, business income, and equipment breakdown coverages into one cost-effective package for businesses. A general or customized BOP can be created to meet your needs as an individual industry member with specific risk preferences. Standard BOPs include commercial property insurance, business liability insurance, business income insurance, or equipment breakdown insurance. Your BOP Policy provides the most common protection against risks that businesses like yours face every day. Your carrier will provide you with useful information that you can easily view online and through your carrier’s app. As your business grows, we can help make sure that your coverage adjusts to match the increased risk you face.

What type of business insurance do I need?

The kinds of commercial insurance coverage you need depend on the kind of business you have. For example, a tree removal service working with potentially dangerous equipment would have different risks and needs than a freelance web designer. Another factor to consider is where your business is located. It's important to talk to an agent about your business before you purchase to help make sure you have coverage that meets your specific needs.

Things to consider when purchasing business insurance?

When it comes to protecting business revenues, the following products should be considered in the event the owner or key employee suffers a disability:

  • Do you create and sell a product to customers?
  • Do you have employees?
  • Do you have one or more company vehicles?
  • Do you offer a service to customers?

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for you

Above all, we are independent from any insurance company and we work for you, in getting the best products, at the best price and service you will come to expect and can’t do without.

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